Thursday, June 28, 2007

Liz's intro

Hi, heres a little about me, Im Liz, during my working days I work doing technical stuff with computers for a company that I cant really name (sigh), however, I do vmware, backups and unix as the 3 core things of my job as it stands.. When I get home, I crochet or do karate. My nickname is "Woof" because I have a great love for dogs, I also have a habbit when conversing online with "WOOF" - which boils down to something along the lines of "Hi, its me, how are you, tell me what you're up to, talk to me coz Im bored" :) WOOF is so much quicker :)

Im still finishing my last project (got about 5" to go), and then work begins on this, my entralac is going to be a mainly white baby blanket with a a layer of colour at the edge, hook size, well I dunno I used 4.25 for the one Im on and it should have been bigger.. so, bigger its gonna be, but I will need to do a test bit to decide which size will be about right.. A tunisian entralac sounds far more plausable than any other crochet style, so Im looking forward to this, and hope, with any luck to be starting either this weekend or very beginning of July.


Buggy said...

Liz thats cute we have 3 dogs ourselves ( 3 cats, 4 rabbits, 3 guinea pigs and a ferret...the urban zoo)
I had to play as well to get the right look I wanted. I tried #20 thread with a 6mm hook because I liked the look of thatas but I think mylasian yarn must be a different size because it looked like big holy lace. so I played with #10 and finally got a look I liked with 2 strands of #10 and a G hook.
It's fun though because even though following a tutorial we're all designing our own personal patterns.

Charlie said...

I have 2 dogs, who are wonderful and full of character. One thing that would be great (if only I could draw) would be to charactarise them and have them on an an afghan

Buggy said...
This is a free service online you can upload a pic to and produce a graph. Thats how most do their graphghans reading the graph from right to left starting at the bottom making color changes in yarn where needed to produce the picture.